
주식회사 몬스타미디어는 Creative한 상상을 현실로 만듭니다.

- Monstar -

Sweet Island

제 작 : 2019년

연 출 : 강한샘

극 본 : 강한샘

461 에피소드 준비중

기본정보 Episode(0)

Four young youth who embraced the painful past have come together on the island!


Bori broke up with her long-time boyfriend.


Bori travels to the island village to relieve her sadness and change her mood.

And in the island, Bori faces with 3 young men.


Their unusual encounter from the start.

Bori, who made a mistake so embarrassing that she wanted to hide in a rat hole, I try to avoid them as much as I can, but as I keep meeting them, I get closer, and each person's past that I've been pressing in my mind is revealed.


Will they be able to overcome their own trauma and live on their own again?


제작 예정입니다.


달곰한 농어.jpg

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